School Lunches

School Menu

Our school meals are very popular! We have themed lunches throughout the year including the ever popular Christmas Dinner.  Our catering company are able to provide for all dietary requirements.

School meals cost £2.50 daily and are payable by Parentmail (details below).

Lunch Menu


Hedgehog Class

As part of the Universal Infant Free School meals scheme all children in Years Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, are entitled to a free lunch daily.



When a family enrolls at the school they are set up on our communication platform, Parentmail.  Through this meals and other items can be paid for with a debit or credit card.

Please contact the office if you have any questions about your Parentmail account.

Free School Meals

Your child may be eligible for Free School Meals if you are in receipt of Child Tax Credit or any Income Support.  Please look at the link to the Suffolk County Council website Free School Meals  for more information.  Please sign up to the Free School Meals even if your child is eligible for UIFSM (Reception to Yr 2) as this may provide extra grant funding for the school.

We are happy to help you fill in the forms and have paper copies in the office.  Just pop in to see us.