Online Safety Links and Resources

Childnet Resources & Websites:


Childnet: Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. The Childnet website hosts all the online resources detailed below, as well as a number of recommended resources for young people, parents, carers and teachers.


Childnet Resources: On our website you can access resources on a range of topics, including our previously branded Know IT All for Parents interactive guide. The Parents and Carers area also contains key advice, information on reporting and detailed information on a range of e-safety topics in the Hot topics section.

UK Safer Internet Centre: Childnet is part of the European Commission appointed UK Safer Internet Centre. Together with partners the Internet Watch Foundation and the South West Grid for Learning, we raise awareness about internet safety, develop information materials and resources and organise high profile events such as Safer Internet Day. You can access a range of resources from across the UK, Europe and wider afield at


Digizen: A website providing information and advice to encourage responsible digital citizenship. It shares advice and guidance on preventing and responding to cyberbullying, including the film ‘Let’s Fight It Together’ and specific information on social networking.


KidSMART: This award winning Childnet website is for children, teachers, parents and carers and offers fun games and activities for children alongside practical internet safety advice. Don’t forget to check out our Early Surfers’ Zone for 3-7 year olds where you can read the online stories ‘The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin’ and ‘Digiduck’s Big Decision.’


Other Links:

A parents guide to technology: 

The UK Safer Internet Centre has created this guide to answer commonly asked questions and introduce some of the most popular devices used by children, highlighting the safety tools available and empowering parents

Internet Parental Controls:

The four big internet providers – BT, Sky, Talk Talk and Virgin Media – provide their customers with free parental controls that can be activated at any time. Video tutorials on how to download and use these controls are available on the UK safer Internet Centre website.

Google Safety Centre:

Provides information and step by step guides to using the safety tools on various Google services such as YouTube, Google+, Google Search, Chrome and Android.

Microsoft Family Safety Centre:

Provides information and advice for using the internet safely as well as guides to the safety settings available on Microsoft products such as Windows, Xbox and Windows Phone.

Online Gaming:

Childnet’s guide contains helpful advice and information on supporting children and young people playing games online.

Ask About Games:

Information and advice for parents and gamers about the PEGI age rating system for video games and how to play games responsibly.


A site created by PhonepayPlus to educate young people and parents about phone-paid services such as calls and texts to premium rate numbers and in-app purchases.

Young People and Social Networking Sites:

Aims to help parents understand the positive and creative ways young people are using social networking spaces (e.g. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). It also points out the potential risks of using these sites and ways to minimise these risks.

Facebook Family Centre:
Twitter Help Centre:
Instagram Help Centre:

Facebook Check List:

A free guide produced by the UK Safer Internet Centre that contains detailed instructions and information on privacy and account settings on Facebook. Online Safety Guidance:

A free guide produced by the UK Safer Internet Centre that provides information on turning off anonymous posting and report inappropriate content.

Childnet  Information & Online Resources Factsheet: To download Click Here

Digi Duck e-Book: To download Click Here

The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin: To download Click Here