
We have a number of school policies and documents available here for your reference.  The Multi Academy Trust also issues policies at a board level, and are available at http://cofesuffolkmat.org/policies

If you would like a printed copy of any of these, please contact the school office via admin@hartest.suffolk.sch.uk.


Hartest Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy September 2023

Hartest Safer Recruitment Nov 2020

Hartest Online Safety Policy

Keeping Children Safe In Education September 2023

Hartest Working with Separated Parents Policy

Hartest Social Media and Phone Policy

Hartest Acceptable Use and Mobile Phone Policy

Hartest Staff Code of Conduct

Hartest Child on Child Abuse Policy

Whistleblowing Policy


Equalities Policy

Hartest Equality & Accessibility Policy

Behaviour Policy

Exclusions Policy

SEND Policy

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

Educational Welfare Officer: School Attendance A Guide for Parents & Carers

MAT Attendance Policy 2024


Hartest PSHE Policy

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy

Download: Critical Incident Policy 2020


Download: Hartest Educational Visits Policy Sept 2020

Download: Hartest First Aid Nov2020 

Administration and Finance

MAT School Admissions Statement

MAT Data Protection Policy

Privacy Notice Parents and Pupils

Privacy Notice Employees

MAT Freedom of Information Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Parental Consent Forms

Complaints Procedure