
Hartest Primary School

Please download and read our School Prospectus Hartest Prospectus

Our Vision is…… ‘Inspiring, Nurturing, Caring’

In our partnership with parents and within our Christian ethos, we aim to nurture, encourage and challenge every child to become the “best that they can be” as they grow into successful, well rounded individuals with a life- long love of learning.

Our aim is to provide the highest quality of learning for all.

We aim to foster and encourage our children to develop:

  • Personal growth
  • Lively, enquiring minds
  • The ability to work hard, to be resilient, to learn from mistakes and to succeed
  • The confidence to question and to argue rationally
  • A sense of self-belief, self worth, self-confidence and an awareness of the ‘worth’ of others.
  • Independent learning and the ability to learn with and alongside others
  • The development of personal values and beliefs, and respect for the religious and moral values of others.
  • All to make a positive contribution to the life of our school and the community
  • Equality  At Hartest School everyone is treated as being of equal worth. We have the same expectations for all our pupils irrespective of race, gender, learning needs, disability, culture or difference. All pupils have equal opportunities across all areas of school life and are positively encouraged to join in all activities on offer.


Our classes are named after woodland animals.

Hedgehogs:        EYFS, Year 1 & Year 2:       

Squirrels:            Years  3 & 4 

Kestrels:              Years  5 & 6

Breakfast Club and Afterschool Care

Our school offers students wrap around care.  We operate a breakfast club from 8am (£3.50 per session) and an after school club until 6pm (£3.50 for the first hour, £6.50 for 2 hours, £8.50 for 3 hours).  Please let the school office know if you are interested in more information.    Click here for more information

School Meals

Hartest offers school meals.  For more information please click here

Attendance and Absence

For children to be able to make good progress in their learning they need to attend school.

If your child is absent please let us know by phone or email on the first morning of absence and give the reason, in writing, when your child returns to school. This information is required for our attendance records.

All holiday absence is normally recorded as an unauthorised absence.    In line with county guidance the Head Teacher is only able to authorise absence in exceptional circumstances.

Medical Care

If your child has a particular medical condition we really need to know about it so we can help your child to thrive at Hartest; such conditions may include allergies, impaired hearing or vision, eczema, asthma, diabetes or epilepsy. Please make sure that we are kept up to date with any changes that might affect your child’s well-being in school. In general the Local Authority considers there is no need for medicines to be administered at school. Drugs and medicines are not normally given by staff in school unless they are prescribed. Parents /carers are able to visit school at lunchtime to administer medicines to their children. Parents should discuss special circumstances requiring ‘on going’ medical treatment with the Head Teacher as a written agreement may require parental signature.

Health Checks: Eyesight, hearing, growth and general health checks take place regularly in school, the first one being at the start of the term in which a child has their 5th Birthday. We can contact the school nurse or doctor for you if you have any worries.  The School Nurse provides a regular ‘drop in’ service.

Illness in school: The school is not able to care for a child who is ill at school and obviously needs to go home or visit the doctor. School will contact parents to collect their child. If they are clearly unwell or have diarrhoea, parents will be contacted. Please be aware that this may involve staff in intimate handling. Any child who has been sick or has suffered from diarrhoea should be clear for 48 hours at home before returning to school, to prevent the spread of germs.

All teaching and learning support staff are trained in First Aid and 3 members of staff also hold Paediatric First Aid Training.


Suffolk County Council is committed to promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.  Please click here for more information

Health, Safety and Safeguarding

Our duty of care to each child is our primary responsibility. We request that parents / carers support the school in this in the following ways:-

  • We try to make our school building as secure as possible and request all visitors to assist us by only using the main entrance and report to Reception on arrival.
  • Please phone or email the school before 9am on the first day of absence to let us know your child is safe at home and the reason for their absence. Absence messages can also be left on the school answer-phone.
  • Make sure the school has up to date contact details for you and a named person who will care for your child in an emergency.
  • When entering and leaving the school site please make sure you close the school gate behind you!
  • A child is only allowed to leave the school premises during school hours via Reception, with their parents / carer, or an identified named person. Children returning to school must be signed back in at Reception.
  • Parents / carers should contact Reception as early as possible by letter, email or phone if there are changes to the ‘pick up’ arrangements at the end of the day.
  • Adults must not attempt to resolve any ‘differences’ with other children on the school site.
  • Unless a child is attending a club, parents / carers have full responsibility for their own children before 8:30 and after 3:00pm whilst on the school site, and must supervise their children at all times when using the play equipment.


Photography in school

Parents should advise the Head Teacher if they do not want their child to be photographed.

We regularly take photographs in school for displays, to help with learning and to share with parents, for example following a production. From time to time local press may publish photographs of children engaged in school activities both on and off site. Names will only be given to the press with parents’ permission.  Photo consent is obtained at the beginning of each academic school year, and a list is maintained of all children not to be photographed.


Hartest Code of Conduct

Always act in a safe manner

Do our best at all times

Allow everyone the right to learn

Walk quietly about the school

Speak and act with courtesy, respect and kindness

Look after one another, our belongings and our school

Hartest has the highest expectations and standards of behaviour so children are able to be and feel safe, to learn and to feel valued as a member of our school community. We have a positive management approach to behaviour which allows children to develop a sense of responsibility for themselves, towards others and to their environment. Respect, honesty and courtesy are expected at all times.

Bullying has no place in our school and will not be tolerated.

Our uniform policy also protects children from drawing attention to themselves which can potentially promote comments, name calling or bullying.

Rewards and Sanctions

The greatest reward of all to a child is the feeling of pride, immense self-worth or the feeling that says, “Yes I can do it!”

Verbal or written praise, well done or congratulations are given to children throughout each day.

In addition, each class has a range of stickers, stamps and certificates that can be given by staff. The house system means that children are awarded house points which are added up each half term. These are awarded for their learning, good citizenship, resilience with their learning or living out our values on a regular basis.

The children’s achievements are celebrated during our Friday Achievement Assembly. At this assembly we also recognise a Pupil of the Week in each class, who will earn a certificate and a prize for demonstrating outstanding learning behaviour and conduct.

We expect children to accept responsibility for their actions. This includes accepting consequences which includes both rewards and sanctions.  Sanctions can range from ‘time out’ (appropriate to the child’s age) to think about their behaviour before talking with an adult to loss of privileges in years 1-6.

The school works closely in partnership with home and will contact parents at an early stage if their child’s behaviour is beginning to show signs of decline.

A copy of the Behaviour Policy is available on the school website.

Sorting out Problems  

We actively encourage parents to come and talk to us about any worries they may have, sooner rather than later.

Our strong home school partnership helps us to resolve any concerns at an early stage. However, a copy of the MAT Complaints Policy is available from school should any parent feel their concerns have not been heard.

Toys and Electronic items

Young children especially can become very attached to a favourite toy. As these are so special to the children we ask that these are left at home where they are safe. This rule also applies to older children who may have mobile phones, electronic games or iPods etc. Leaving such items at home reduces the risk of them becoming a distraction to their learning or being accidentally lost or broken. All such items, if inadvertently brought to school, will be kept safe in the school office ready for collection at the end of the day.

Special Educational Needs

Please click here for more information about our SEND program


Although the school is on three levels, a chair lift allows access to the main part of the school. The school has 2 accessible toilets, one in the hall and one at the back of school near the playground.  This is detailed in the school’s accessibility plan.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

There are a range of lunchtime and after school clubs which run throughout the year.  These usually reflect their personal interests, or may be in response to a request from the children. In addition we are fortunate to have independent providers providing sports clubs. Our older pupils also lead clubs which are discretely supervised by a member of staff. Clubs for Years 1-6 may include:  Netball, Art, Maypole Dancing, Computing and Multisports. The clubs change each term in order to provide a variety of opportunities for the pupils during the year.

We work closely with other primary and secondary schools and out of school services to provide activities such as Bikeability sessions for KS2 children and inter school competitions.

A range of educational visits during the year are arranged to support, stimulate and extend learning beyond the classroom.

Charges and Remission

The governing body recognises the valuable contribution to your child’s learning and personal and social development that can be gained from providing a range of additional opportunities beyond the classroom such as visits out of school, visitors to school and clubs. Such activities will be offered both within a broad and balanced curriculum and as additional optional activities.

At times some of these activities will only be viable by inviting parents to make a voluntary contribution towards their cost.

Remissions: A copy of the charges and remissions policy is available from Reception.

 Friends of Hartest School

The school is privileged in having a thriving, enthusiastic and successful Friends association. They support the School by organising events including cake stalls, the Christmas Fair and other fundraising events, as well as co-organising the Hartest Village Fete with All Saints Church PCC. All funds raised support projects and ‘extras’, that enhance every child’s time and experiences at Hartest.  The Friends also organise social events and run the swimming club after school during the summer term,

Parents automatically become members of The Friends of Hartest School when their child starts school. The A.G.M. is held in the Autumn Term and this is when the committee is elected. New parents are always very welcome.

Home –School Contact

We value the opportunities to share with parents / carers information about their child’s learning, progress and personal development.

Your child will receive an interim report and an annual report each year. We provide the opportunity for parent / carers to meet with their child’s teachers during the autumn and spring terms at consultation evenings.

Parents and carers are able to book an after school appointment to discuss their child by contacting Mrs Miller in Reception.

Reading Diary: In addition to recording when you read with your child, we encourage parents / carers to use this diary as another option for two way dialogue between home and school.

Daily contact: We are happy to have brief conversations at the end of the day with you about significant events or learning experiences during the day. Please use these occasions to let us know of any areas where your child may be unhappy so that we can quickly resolve this and reassure your child.


The School Day

8:30am: Hartest staff  are on duty to meet the children off the bus and supervise the playground.

8:40 am: The school bell is rung on the playground. At the second bell the children line up and when instructed by the teacher walk quietly into school.

8:45am:     Registration followed by Collective Worship

9:10 am:    Lessons

10:30am:   Break

10:45am:    Lessons

11:55am:     Lunch: starting with Hedgehogs

1pm:            Registration followed by Lessons

3.15pm        End of school day

School ends at 12.00 noon for non-statutory school age children who are in school part-time.


The school follows the Read Write Inc programme. For more information click here

Home Learning

Children will be given home learning to reinforce their class based learning. This gives you another opportunity to gain an insight into how we approach and develop their learning.

Examples of Home learning tasks include:-

  • Letter sounds of the week
  • Key Words
  • Sharing books and reading together
  • A Maths home challenge

It is very important that a child’s home learning experience is positive and encouraging. If your child is tired or becoming anxious, do not force your child to complete the task. Simply stop, change the activity or allow your child to listen to you reading the story etc. Please remember to praise your child for their effort rather than focussing on any errors. At school we would far prefer a child who is confident to have a go at anything and try their best than one who is afraid to be wrong and therefore afraid to try.

Reading: Each child will be given a Reading Diary, which should be kept in his or her book bag all the time.  The children will choose and take home reading books twice a week from a selection in the classroom. We do appreciate the demands and time constraints within families each evening, however 5 minutes shared reading activities and talking about the book each day is quickly rewarded and the impact is obvious in the classroom. Please sign the reading diary each time you read or share a book with your child. Your comments about these activities are also welcomed.

Maths: Each child will bring home a maths challenge to complete with their parents during the week. These activities are practical and encourage mathematical talk and logical thinking using everyday activities or items found around the home.

Writing:  The children are taught a cursive joined- up handwriting style.  Research has shown that this ‘flow’ helps children with spelling and means that they do not have to learn to write one way in Reception and another later on in the school.

We know that many parents / carers will encourage their child to hold a pencil and form shapes and letters before starting school.  We ask that children practice lower case letters at home and only use capital letters for the first letter of their name, or the beginning of a sentence.

Book Bags: Key Stage 1 Please make sure that your child brings his or her book bag to school every day. Ruck sacks should only be used for PE kit, not reading books. In addition to the reading books we find that school letters, birthday invitations and thank you letters etc are kept safe in the book bags. We request that parents check the book bag daily and as a minimum every Friday evening


School Houses

Dahl  Attenborough  Jemison

Your child will be placed in a house during their first week at school.  For more information click here

 School Uniform

Children are expected to come to school wearing the appropriate school uniform.  Please click here for more information

School Staff

Please click here for more information about our staffing team


For more information about our Governors please click here

Term Dates

For term dates please click here