Emergency School Closures

Should the school have to close in response to severe weather conditions or other unforeseen incidents eg; lack of heating, parents are advised to listen to local radio stations and consult Suffolk County Council website for updated information on school closure. Radio Suffolk will have timed updates at 10 minutes past and 20 minutes to each hour. Where possible we will also try to contact parents via ParentMail, although if numerous schools are using this form of communication, the system can become unreliable.

If the school has to close during the day we will contact parents via ParentMail and Radio Suffolk will also announce the closure. From our experience we also know that our parents are very supportive and will ring friends to pass the message on to them; a goodwill service which we thank you for in advance.

Radio Suffolk 95.5, 95.9, 103.9 or 104.6 FM: http://www.bbc.co.uk/suffolk

Heart FM on 97.1 or 96.4 FM: http://www.heart.co.uk

