Ethos, Vision & Values

Our Vision

“Inspiring, Nurturing, Caring”
Hartest CE Primary is a warm and caring school, underpinned by a strong Christian ethos. All members of our school family are valued and respected. Each child is individually known, enabling us to ensure that every child achieves their very best.

The school revised its vision statement in Autumn 2018 to ‘Inspiring – Nurturing – Caring’ and this is based on both the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:12-35) and Jesus as the Good Shepherd (John 10:11). As a rural farming community, this resonates with many of our children and with the strong Christian ethos of the school, where all feel valued and welcomed as individuals. School Council, with input from governors, enabled the vision to discussed and formed. Statements by the children which support this vision include:

“We are like a flock that lives and works together.”

“We are a ‘One of a Kind’ school.”

“We welcome everyone to join in our flock.”

“We value all individuals of every type.”

In summary, underpinned by it’s Christian Vision, Hartest CE Primary cares for all God’s children, unconditionally.

Our Heritage

At Hartest CE Primary we value our British heritage and embrace other world cultures.  We celebrate British Values during Collective Worship and both through the curriculum and extra curricular events.  There is more information about this on the British Values and Collective Worship below.

Our Aims

Our aim is to provide the highest quality of learning for all children in both academic and personal development.
We aim to foster, encourage and inspire our children to develop:

  • personal growth
  • a ‘can do’ attitude
  • lively, enquiring minds
  • the ability to work hard, to be resilient, to learn from mistakes and to succeed
  • the confidence to question and to argue rationally
  • a sense of self-belief, self-worth, self-confidence and an awareness of the ‘worth’ of others.
  • independent learning and the ability to learn with and alongside others
  • personal values and beliefs, and respect for the religious and moral values of others.
  • a positive contribution to the life of our school and the community
  • a respect, appreciation and enjoyment for their environment, countryside and heritage.

A Community of Enquiry

At Hartest Church of England Primary School we establish the rules for learning and thinking and develop the skills for learning and thinking. We promote a ‘safe community of enquiry’ which promotes discussion where children:

  • Feel their contributions are valued and respected by all
  • Feel comfortable to make mistakes
  • Feel safe and secure
  • Participate freely and actively in discussion
  • Listen to others
  • Develop empathy
  • Feel a sense of belonging through developing a class identity with clear rules.


Collective Worship

At Hartest children participate in an act of Collective Worship at the start of each day.  Children learn about Christian values and associated Bible stories using ‘Roots and Fruits’ materials, have the opportunity to sing and act out Bible stories, as well as enjoy visitors coming in regularly to lead. The children also are able to be involved in leading Collective Worship. Please click on the link for more detailed information about our  Worship Plan Autumn 1 2023

Please read more about how we promote the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of our pupils.  Promoting and Developing SMSC

British Values

Please read more about how Hartest CE Primary celebrates and upholds British values here British Values in Hartest CE Primary School