

The Local Governing Body of Hartest School aims to ensure that Hartest Church of England School maintains a broad and balanced curriculum, promoting progress and achievement for all pupils within a distinctly Christian School.

  • All governors on the Local Governing Body are enthusiastic volunteers and their main focus is to try to ensure that Hartest C of E Primary School is the best school it can be for every pupil who attends.
  • Hartest School is very fortunate to have governors who bring a wide range of skills to the governing body that are very useful in the strategic leadership and management of the school.
  • Governors work closely with the Headteacher and all the staff. They monitor data which they analyse to see how the school is performing. They also analyse the finances and try to ensure that monies spent are used as efficiently as possible.
  • Through being on the governing body all governors gain an in depth knowledge of the school.
  • Governors have to work within a budget which is set by the Diocesan Multi Academy Trust.
  • A Governor is not the same as a volunteer helper who may come into the school and help on a regular basis, although obviously they can do this too.
  • Governors take different roles within the committee, based on their expertise and interest, for which they also receive training.
  • Some governors have specific roles to cover such as SEND, Safeguarding and Link Governor.
  • The Local Governing Body meets twice a term. Items on the agenda can be working on the School Development and Improvement Plan, budget monitoring, discussing pupil scores, papers on national issues and the approval of Educational visits. They also discuss the Headteacher’s report which gives them day to day information on the running of the school.
  • Governors have a vital role to play in the effective running of the school.

The Local Governing Body is overseen by the MAT Trustees.  More information can be found at St Edmundsbury and Ipswich MAT Governance

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please either contact the school or look on the Suffolk County Council website (, where you will find further information.

Here you can find out more about your school governors and the work of the school’s Local Governing Body.

Our Governors

Our Governing body is made up as follows:

Chair of Governors

Mrs Cheryl Morgan

Executive Headteacher

Mrs Amanda Woolmer

Executive Deputy Headteacher

Mr Matt Vale-Smith

Parent Governors

Mrs Emma Long

Mrs Alexis Land

Diocesan Governors

Diocesan governors are appointed by the Diocese.

John Watts

Andrew Blit 

PCC Governor

Mrs Philippa Gladstone

Staff Governor

Mrs Karen Temple-Nidd

Mrs Lucy Moores


Hartest Register of Business and Financial Interests 2024 to 2025

Attendance of Hartest CE Primary LGB Members 2024 to 2025

Additional Documentation

Scheme of Delegation June 2017

Supplemental Funding Agreement Hartest 2017

Meeting Dates for 2023-2024

There are at least six meetings held across the school year.   These meetings are clerked:

  • Wednesday 11th September 2024
  • Thursday 17th October 2024
  • Thursday 27th February 2025
  • Thursday 5th June 2025
  • Thursday 3rd July 2025


We like to hear from you if you have either praise or concerns.

  1. Ringing the school and ask that a governor returns your call, 01284 830343.
  2. Writing a letter ‘For the attention of the Governors’, and send it via the school office.
  3. Email the Chair of Governors –

Your views are really important and help us to run the school effectively.