
Hartest CE Primary School is committed to the Safeguarding and Protection of all our children and members of staff.  All members of staff, Governors and regular volunteers are subject to DBS Checks and an interview panel will include at least one member of staff trained in Safer Recruitment Practices.  Visitors to the school are asked to sign in, read our visitor guidelines and wear a badge whilst on site.  All contractors are also asked to provide photo ID.

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Amanda Woolmer
Executive Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Matt Vale-Smith
Executive Deputy Headteacher
Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Marie Ryan
Executive Assistant Headteacher
Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Izzy Burroughs
Alternate Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Lizzie Riddleston
Safeguarding Governor
Mrs Emma Long


Hartest Church of England Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed in the policies section on our website.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies, when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.

We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

If you have any concerns about the safety and well-being of a child, please speak to one of the DSLs / ADSLs above by:

  • coming in to school and speaking to us,
  • telephoning 01284 830343 or
  • emailing or

If you have any Safeguarding Concerns during the weekend or school holidays, please email or

The Suffolk Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) can be contacted on

0345 6061499

Photographs and Videos

Whilst lots of parents and carers really enjoy seeing photos and videos of their children’s school life we are very mindful of our duty of care towards all our pupils. We take the issue of safeguarding very seriously and this includes the use of photographic and video images.

Any photographs or videos taken by parents, carers and relatives at school productions, sports days or other events are for the enjoyment of individual families. They must not be used in any way that could potentially place a child at risk. This would include publishing images in any form of print or on the internet including social networking sites. This is emphasised before concerts and shows etc and where practical a record of parents and relatives taking photographs or videos is made.

We understand that in exceptional circumstances a parent or carer may not wish their child to be photographed or videoed in this way. If this is the case then please contact the headteacher to discuss how this can be best achieved.

Occasionally, the local press will be invited to take photographs of school events and special achievements. We like to use photographs of our children on our website, in school documents, for parent information meetings, newsletters and on our display screens around the school. If you do not wish photographs of your child to be used for these purposes, then please contact the Head of School.

For more detailed information please read our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024

Our policy is informed by Keeping Children Safe in Education – September 2024.  This document can be read by clicking here.

If you have any concerns regarding a child at our school please contact one of the designated safeguarding leads or an alternate safeguarding lead.

Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility

Early Help Offerings

Hartest CE Primary School offers opportunities and services to children and families to help support them, such as:

  • Student Voice- through the Student School Council and Eco Council
  • SATS Clubs
  • Breakfast Club and After School Care in The Nest
  • Afterschool Sports and Drama Clubs
  • Lunch time Clubs- including Football Coaching and Computer Club
  • Forest School
  • Education Welfare Officer
  • School Nursing Team
  • Speech and Language Support
  • Family Support Workers
  • PREVENT Duty Training
  • Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Offer

The Prevent Strategy

The Guidance on Safeguarding Individuals Vulnerable to Radicalisation should be read in conjunction with the Safeguarding policy.  It gives guidance to schools and individuals who suspect radicalisation of a child.

Parents/ Carers who would like to understand the signs of radicalisation and extremism and how they can support young people in staying safe should read this Keeping Young People Safe Against Extremism information leaflet, or feel free to come into school to discuss this with a safeguarding individual.

We also have available to download a Parents Guide to Extremism.

The DfE and Home Office have a website that gives Teachers, Parents and School Leaders practical advice and information on protecting children from extremism and radicalisation.  It is called Educate Against Hate and can be found here.

Online Safety Policy

For more information about how we work to protect children when they are accessing programs online please read our Hartest Online Safety Policy