“Inspiring – Nuturing – Caring”
SEND Local Offer – Special Educational Needs Information
In partnership with the Diocesan Multi Academy Trust, Local Authority (LA), governors, staff and our families, Hartest aims to provide the best environment for learning for each pupil. Every teacher considers him/herself as a teacher of Special Educational Needs and Disablity (SEND) pupils reflecting SEND as a whole school priority. We aim for every child to be able to learn with confidence and reach their full potential.
At Hartest C of E Primary School we strive to support all children to enable them to make good progress and achieve well at school.
In order to do this many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey.
Quality First Teaching is vital in promoting at least good achievement for all pupils; however for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their targets.
Please read our HARTEST SEND Information Report Jan 2020 (Updated 06/05/2021)
Please read our SEND Policy January 2020- March 2020 update
Our SEND Team
Mrs Victoria Gentry- Head of School
Mrs Karen Temple-Nidd – SENDCO
To contact a member of our SEND team, please email the school office via or call 01284 830 343.
Our local Special Educational Needs and Disablity (SEND) offer provides parents of children with SEND or parents with concerns about their child with information and advice which will signpost you to the school’s services and resources. We hope this provides all our families and prospective families with useful information and background knowledge regarding our SEND provision. After reading and digesting the information please do make an appointment to discuss and expand further on any points.
At Hartest C of E Primary School, we believe in the importance of every child achieving their ‘best’, making good progress and enjoying their learning experience through quality first teaching. As a school when we plan any learning opportunity, our starting point is our learners and their needs.
For some of our learners, there are occasions when additional support is required to allow us to support the next steps in their learning journey. Additional support may be given for a set period of time or for a longer period to ensure every learner can access our curriculum effectively and are fully included in learning opportunities and school events. Our parents are informed, included and supported throughout such periods of provision.
If a learner’s needs are significantly greater than the majority of children of the same age, or they have a disability which hinders their use of educational facilities provided for the age group, then they are considered to have Special or Additional Educational Needs.
Their needs may be in the area of:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Sensory and/or physical
At Hartest C of E Primary School, teaching and learning opportunities are adapted and continually evaluated, working with the support of external agencies when required, to ensure the needs of all of our learners are met. Parents should not feel unduly anxious about such additional support, which at our school allows all learners to receive the specific help they need to make the next steps in their learning journey.
We hope the following information explains how we provide this support at Hartest C of E Primary School. If you need any further information or have any concerns do please contact the Head of School.
The Child’s Voice
At all stages of learning and development we involve the individual child and encourage him / her to take increasing responsibility as they transfer through the school to year 6. Examples of the child’s involvement include:-
- Daily discussion with the class teacher
- Frequent discussion with the learning support assistants
- Daily prompts,
- Opportunities for the child to talk to an adult and express their feelings and emotions about aspects of school life / learning
- Weekly and half termly target setting with the teacher / learning support assistant and reviewing of their success and progress.
All children will need support at some time!
Please be reassured that many children will at some stage benefit from a little extra help or support with their learning and personal development whilst at school. This doesn’t mean that the child has special needs or a disability; they simply need more focused support over a specified period of time. If we feel that your child would benefit from a long term additional support, we will talk to you and also involve your child in deciding the best type of support and how this will be organised.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who should I talk to about my child’s Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND)
- Your child’s class teacher is the first person to talk to regarding any aspect of your child’s school life. They may consult other staff members involved with your child, such as the learning support assistant. They will be able to discuss specific queries regarding your child’s learning, progress and development in relation to any of the following areas:-
- Prospective parents should discuss any specific concerns about their child’s learning or development with the Head of School during their initial visit to the school.
- You can also talk to Mrs Gentry about any concerns or for advice by telephone or through a face to face meeting.
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Sensory and/or physical
- What types of support will be available to my child? Will teaching be adapted, if necessary?
There are many types of SEND support available at Hartest C of E Primary School, which are dependent on an individual child’s need.
- Support for all children begins in the classroom with quality first teaching, where the class teacher plans for children with a range of learning styles and includes the deployment of learning support assistants, differentiated activities and outcomes which address the children’s needs and also provide a degree of challenge. At various times during the week, all children will receive individual or small group support from the teacher and / or learning support assistant.
- If a teacher feels that a child needs more support, they will share this information with you as a parent and agree with you an initial provision within the classroom. Your child will also be included in this conversation at the appropriate stage dependent on their age. If progress remains a concern more planned intervention programme will be agreed with you, your child the class teacher and / or SENCO
Some examples of SEND support include:
- Changes to equipment such as a writing slope, special hand grips for pencil control or larger keyboard for the computer, Dictaphone etc
- Additional time may be given
- Elklan Speech and Language Therapy, following targets set by a Speech Therapist
- Gym trail and Finger Gym programmes which promote motor skill development
- Read Write Inc Programme delivered in small groups up to Year 4
- Fresh Start: Read Write Inc Reading programme for Years 5 and 6
- Numicon: small group support for Maths for KS2 pupils
- Maths Intervention groups with the headteacher
- Nurture Group, provision which supports our learners with social, emotional and behavioural issues
- Maths booster session, specially for year 6
- Daily reading to an adult
- Precision Teaching 5 minutes every day
- How will I find out about my child’s progress?
- The class teachers will share your child’s progress, attainment and next steps targets 5 times over an academic year.
- This includes 2 Consultation days during the autumn and spring terms, 2 interims reports at the end of the autumn and spring terms and an annual report at the end of the summer term.
- Parents are involved in the process of Individual Support and Success Plans, reviewing progress and discussing future targets on a regular basis (minimum –termly)
- Parents and the class teacher may request a meeting at any time during the year to discuss any aspect of the child’s progress and school life.
- Parents are invited into school to join in specific class activities and celebrations of their achievements.
- How does the school support transition?
- There are a range of transition points for children within the primary school in addition to joining the school and transferring to another school at any age. These include:-
- part-time to full-time attendance, as your child moves from Nursery to Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and to full-time during EYFS
- EYFS to Key Stage 1
- KS1 to Lower KS2.
- From Lower Key Stage 2 to Upper Key Stage 2
- Year 6 to secondary school
- Mid- year transition to Hartest or from Hartest to another school
Hartest C of E Primary School is experienced at receiving and supporting children as they transfer to another school. Our aim is always to ensure that the transition process is as smooth as possible to mitigate any negative effects of mobility.
Transition to Hartest:
- In partnership with parents, where possible transition sessions for a half day or full day are arranged.
- Each child has one or two buddies who will look after them during the school day for the first few weeks.
- The class and new pupil are introduced to each other with opportunity provided for the pupils to learn about each other.
- Learning support assistants will support the child, going through basic routines, allocation of coat pegs, house, new books and carry out any assessments required to make sure the pupil is given the correct challenge, differentiated tasks or additional support as soon as possible.
- For children starting Reception class:
- Parents are strongly recommended to visit the school and meet the headteacher before completing admission forms.
- A transition programme involving at least 2 visits to the school, sharing lunch with their parents and a parents evening take part during the summer term.
- Learning Journeys and discussions with key workers at pre- schools / nursery schools also takes place between staff from both settings.
- For children with specific needs, an individual album of photographs of their classroom, members of staff, children on their table, timetable etc is provided for the child to look at and talk about with their parents during the holidays.
Transition to another school
We support transition to the next school in a variety of ways depending on their needs and includes:-
- Phone call conversations between the class teacher and or SENCO or Head of School.
- Transfer of all progress data, attendance, pupil records and workbooks.
For Year 6 transferring to secondary school, the support includes:-
- Regular visits to the relevant Secondary School from Year 5
- Regular opportunities for year 5/6 pupils to attend events at the secondary schools to become comfortable with the secondary experience and to develop links with pupils from other primary schools who may be in their class in September.
- Staff from secondary schools visit year 5 / 6 leading assemblies & lessons and attend at least one series of consultation evenings
- Class teacher, SENDCO and Designated Safeguarding Person from both schools meet to discuss pupils and strategies which the individual pupil responds well to and/or the strategies which need to be continued following transfer etc.
- For individual pupils with specific needs, additional visits to the secondary school are arranged to support their transition.
Transition within Hartest School
- At least 2 transition opportunities; half day and full day when the children have lessons in their new class and if possible with their teacher, take place during the second half of the summer term.
- Hartest is a small school where each child is known by all adults. For children with specific needs class teachers and learning support assistants pass on more detailed information to the new teacher.
- How good is the progress of children with SEND at Hartest C of E Primary School?
All children are expected to make good progress each year in relation to their starting point. The minimum expected progress for pupils in KS2 is 2 levels progress.
Every pupil’s progress is reviewed by the class teacher with the Head of School during the academic year. Teaching programmes are then adapted to meet children’s current needs.
- What training is available to staff in relation to SEND?
General SEND awareness is kept on the agenda by the SENDCO. Continued Professional Development (CPD) is delivered by the SENDCO and the Local Authority. Staff may also receive specialist training and updates from external partner agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT), Behaviour Support Services ( CiSS) and the Educational Psychology Service. Continued professional development is provided in response to the changing needs of our children. Should a child start at Hartest requiring specific support, the headteacher will ensure that staff attend the relevant cpd to support the child.
Over the last 2 years continued professional development training has included:-
- Elklan Speech and Language
- Attachment Disorder
- SENDCO Induction Programme
- Behaviour Management
- Read Write Inc
- Precision Teaching
- Letters and Sounds
- NVQ Level 3 Teaching Assistant
- SENDCO conferences
- SENDCO workshops related to SEND reforms for September 2014
- Termly SENDCO network meetings
- Termly support and advice from County Inclusion Resource Centre for Autistic Spectrum Disorder
In addition there is opportunity for staff to share updated information about SEND children
- During weekly Teacher meetings
- During weekly learning support assistant meetings
- During daily discussions between the teacher and learning support assistants.
- How is support allocated to children with SEND?
Support is allocated to children by the SENDCO in conjunction with class teachers and learning support assistants. Support can be within the classroom, beyond the classroom within a small group or individually and for varying lengths of time such as 5 minutes each day to 3 thirty minute sessions per week. Various factors are considered prior to the allocation of support:
- The child’s progress and predicted attainment in relation to age related expectation.
- Current level of additional support given.
- Identified gaps within the child’s knowledge.
- Expertise of the school’s staff
- Time available
The SENDCO meets with all class teachers at least once each term, tracking and discussing the progress made by all children. Additional support and specific interventions are then allocated based on all of the above factors. Class teachers may ask the SENDCO for advice at any time.
Intervention and support timetables are changed each term and amended at half term in response the children’s rate of progress, needs and ability to transfer new skills in to their everyday learning.
- What should I do if things go wrong?
For any concern you may have in relation to your child, your first contact should be with your child’s class teacher. If they are unable to solve the issue for you, please make an appointment to speak to the Head of School.
An impartial source of advice and support is available to parents through the Parent Partnership.
SEND Stages at Hartest C of E Primary School
We follow national guidance and provide a staggered approach when catering for learners with difficulties which is classed by ‘waves’ of intervention. Learners may move up and down the ‘waves’ according to their levels of need and/or progress with parents being fully aware and informed of the type of support being offered. We hope you will find this brief explanation of each ‘wave’ helpful.
Wave 1
Quality First Teaching
Teachers plan and deliver learning opportunities for all the children in the class, taking their needs into consideration.
The Class teacher will discuss progress with the individual learner and plan to provide differentiated tasks which are suitable for the differing abilities. This may include tasks being set for some individuals or small groups of children. The teacher will also provide some children with additional (in-class) support themselves and/or use the learning support assistant (LSA) to promote good progress. For many children this differentiated provision is the only support they need. However, the class teacher will monitor progress closely and if no progress is made by a child, the class teacher will record their Cause for Concern and share this with the SENDCO. Parents will be informed of this by the class teacher.
Wave 2
If, in order to make progress, it is felt that a learner needs provision which is different or additional to the usual range then the school will respond. This means that the teacher, in conjunction with the SENDCO, will plan different teaching and learning activities or provide extra support in a variety of ways which may include support from a LSA or use of personalised resources. Some of this support can take place outside the classroom for a short period of time during the week.
This will be included on the teacher’s planning and learners will continue to have their own targets. Parents will be informed of this provision.
Wave 3
If little or no progress is made over a period of time with support at Wave 2, then the school may seek advice from outside specialists such as the Speech Therapist or the Educational Psychologist. Parents will be consulted at a meeting and asked to give written consent for school to refer the learner to these agencies. Where school and external agencies work together to provide specific targets for the learner then provision is in Wave 3.
Multi-disciplinary Assessment
In a minority of cases, where the learner continues to make little progress, or has specific additional needs, the school and/or parents, can request a Multi-disciplinary Assessment. This is where professionals from all the agencies working with the learner come together to discuss the support given and the progress made. Parents contribute to this process and give their views. This evidence is then considered by SENDCO and may be used to produce an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP).
Education, Health and Care Plan
This is statutory recognition that a learner requires specialist/supported learning at whichever school they attend. If the SEND team decides it is appropriate, a document is produced which has to be followed, this is called the Education Health and Care Plan. This is for learners with more extreme difficulties who will need help over a long period of time.
Partnership Agencies
Details of Suffolk County Council’s Local Offer support and arrangements are available in the link below:
SENDIASS – The SENDIASS service is for parents, carers and children and young people (aged up to 25 years) in relation to special educational needs and disabilities
Citizens Advice Bureau
Suffolk County Council
Access Unlimited (for Suffolk children and young people with additional needs and disabilities)
British Dyslexia Association (helping children to communicate) (charity assisting children and young adults with communication impairments)
British Deaf Association
Disability Rights
Disability Living Foundation
Asthma UK
National Autistic Society
National Eczema Society
National Society of Epilepsy