Emergency School Closures

If we do have to take action to change the school start time or even to close the school due to Severe Weather (or an emergency such as no heating), we will do so as early as we possibly can.  Once the decision has been made we will send it out to staff and parents in four forms:

  1. a message to all staff and parents through the My Child At School app
  2. a Facebook post
  3. a message on our school website
  4. a message on the parent’s group chat

If you are unsure about the weather, please check the above communication forms.

If we do have to take action to change the school start time or even to close the school due to Severe Weather, we will also inform Suffolk County Council and they will add the information onto their website.

If the school has to close during the day we will contact parents via the My Child At School app, post on Facebook, put a message on the school website and get a message onto the parent’s group chat.

From our experience we also know that our parents are very supportive and will ring friends to pass the message on to them; a goodwill service which we thank you for in advance.

