Pupil Voice
School Council
Our School Council consists of two pupils from each year group, who are democratically elected from within their class. They are called  School Council representatives and their  role is to help to lead the school forward. These children take on additional responsibilities when requested and are seen as role models for other pupils.  For example they can:
- Help with appointments of new staff.  The children interview the candidate and their impression is included in the interview process.
- Hospitality team who show visitors around the school.
- Listening to and supporting fellow pupils.
School Librarians
Children are asked to apply for this responsible post. Successful candidates look after the library, keeping it ready for other pupils to use.
Computer Leaders
Responsible and knowledgeable pupils can become leaders who will run a club in the IT suite at lunchtime.
Other responsibility roles for pupils include:
- Fruit and vegetable monitors who distribute the snack fruit for pupils
- Milk Monitors
- Register Monitors
- Escorts for younger pupils to enable them to cross the road safely when walking to the church
- Sport Leaders who assist on sports occasions
- Reading a prayer in an assembly