School Uniform
Children are expected to come to school wearing the appropriate school uniform
Uniform | Colour |
Tailored trousers, skirts | Grey or Black |
Shirts and blouses | Light blue or white |
Polo shirts | Light blue or white with school logo |
Sweatshirt / cardigan or fleece | Royal blue with school logo |
Dresses | Blue and white stripes or checks |
Indoor shoes | Black shoes with a maximum 2.5 cm heel. No open toed shoes or sling-backs |
Reversible coat | Royal blue with school logo (optional) |
Socks or “children’s” tights, | Plain black, navy blue, grey or white |
PE kit | Colour |
Plain shorts | Black |
Plain T shirt | White with round neck |
Black Plimsolls or trainers | |
Track suit or warm jumper / jogging bottoms | Plain dark colour with no logos or motifs |
Yr 5/6 only: Football boots | No metal studs |
One- piece swimming costume, hat and towel | Any colour |
For Art & DT: Apron, old shirt or T Shirt to be in school at all times | All round protection from paint & glue is useful for younger children! |
Hedgehogs : Bookbag only | Royal Blue with school logo |
Squirrels: May bring a small rucksack, Yr 2 also need a bookbag.
Kestrels: Rucksack |
Any colour |
Our uniform has been designed so that the majority of items can be purchased from a range of outlets. School uniform does not have to include the school logo.
All items bearing the school logo can be purchased from My Clothing and ordered online by clicking on this link.
We have a collection of good quality uniform that has been donated by parents. Please ask in the School Office if you would like to see what we have. Parents are encouraged to take any items that they need in return for a donation.
Parents are encouraged to donate any good quality items that their children have grown out of.
ALL UNIFORM MUST BE NAMED – My Name Tags offer a range of products to name uniform and belongings. Please enter the school code 34880 to enable us to earn 20% back https://www.mynametags.com/
Fashionable dress and appearance are not part of Hartest’s dress code
Examples of unacceptable dress code include:-
Drop or looped earrings, large cartoon style earrings, jewellery*, make up, nail varnish, hair gels or similar
Extreme fashion hairstyles, shaved patterns or unnatural colours, large or decorative hair accessories etc.
Extremes lengths of skirts: e.g. too short or hipster style trousers etc
- *Jewellery: Pupils may wear a small ear stud only. These should be plain and not decorative with only one stud in each ear. Older pupils may wear a wrist watch.
- Long hair must be fastened back in a plain simple style using hair bands or similar in school colours.
- Please remember that children must be able to remove their own watch and ear-studs for PE, otherwise they should not be worn on days when they have PE.
Children in Hedgehogs class will be learning outside each day and therefore should have a pair of wellies and coat in school every day.
Our aim is to maintain the highest standards and expectations in all we do.